Monday, May 12, 2008

My Brave Little Guy

Gabe slipped and fell at the playground yesterday morning and got a nasty gash on his forehead. He and Matt were giving me some time to myself on Mother's Day, so Matt was there all by himself at the time. Poor guys. Matt jumped into action and took excellent care of little Gabe. I met them at the urgent care center and they rejected us and our son with a cut on his forehead down to the bone because of our insurance. Grrr! [insert rant #37 about the heath care system in this country]

We ended up driving all the way down to Children's Hospital, where Gabe got excellent care. They really are wonderful there. Gabe was in great spirits and handled everything like a champ. He's all sewn up now and barely notices it at all, though Matt and I are severely traumatized!

So, thank you to the wonderful staff at the Children's Hospital ER. I know it probably wasn't the most exciting part of your day, but your attentive care and kindness made a horrible situation for US a lot more bearable. Not quite enjoyable, but as close as possible.

Oh, and we have not stopped thinking about how with another boy on the way this is not likely our last experience of this sort.

In other news, we had a midwife visit yesterday afternoon and everything looks blissfully boring and great. The pregnancy is chugging along, moving faster every day. We got our contract for the Aquadoula rental, which is making things seem more real. Our next visit is in three weeks and then we switch to every two weeks after that. Can you believe it??

I haven't done much on my project this week. Matt was on travel for business most of the week and I was just too worn out at the end of the day to do much more than brush my teeth and wash my face (though I skipped the face washing most days :-P). I hope that after all the drama of yesterday, things calm down and we can get back into a more regular routine. Until the summer, that is. Hey, I'm going to enjoy our regular routine for as LONG as possible!

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