Friday, March 21, 2008

It's a boy!

Yes, another boy! I should have known. :-)

Everything looks great. The placenta is anterior which isn't the best news ever in terms of positioning, but it's away from the scar and the cervix, so that's good. The little guy slept through the whole thing and couldn't be bothered to be woken up. Hey, maybe he'll be a better sleeper than my first little guy ( a mom can hope!). He's measuring about a week ahead, which is not surprising to us at all. He'll probably be a tall guy like his brother.

The other news is I got my PO box yesterday so I'm all ready to tell you about my project. I'll post about it this afternoon, including what you can do to help.


Anonymous said...

Congrats! Another little boy! How sweet :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! You're good at making boys, so this is great news!
As for placenta placement, don't worry. Louis (my 4th baby) was the only one with an anterior placenta and his birth happened to be the easiest. During labor, your baby will navigate your pelvis by constantly trying for the best fit, guided by your contractions. Your uterus has already gone through an entire pregnancy & labor before so it should be loads easier for this little guy to move around. Think positive and have faith in that little man of yours, he will find his way out!
Love from Linda (Lizzybizzy)