Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Bad Preggo!

I'm eating a pizza with bleu cheese, onions, and pears on it. I have a salad with gorgonzola waiting for me in the fridge. Sorry, can't really help it.

Oh, and my prenatal went fine on Sunday. It's too early to hear the baby with the fetoscope so we just did the normal clinical tests (everything's great) and I'm measuring right on.

I have my sonogram Friday morning. I'm adding a poll -- vote on the gender, if you like. :-)


Anonymous said...

No fair! I can't vote without seeing your belly!
Will you be telling?


Jess said...

Yeah, I need a belly shot. I also need my husband to not work every night! :-P

I can describe my belly, at least. It's not particularly round, just looks like the fat's been pushed out. The rest of my body has been getting smaller during the pregnancy as my belly grows. I've been gaining and losing the same three pounds the whole time. VERY different from last time, where I just got fatter and fatter all over. Stretch marks under my arms and on the backs of my knees? Check!

I will be telling on Friday. Whenever I get a chance to get back on the computer I'll post.

Kristianna said...

Don't tell anyone I binged on brie a couple of times when pregnant... um.. each time. There are a lot of perfectly healthy kids in France, right? ;)