That also means I'm removing the ticker from this blog. The baby will come when he's ready, so don't worry about how many weeks I am. I'll have the baby by mid-September. That's all you need to know. :-)
Everything is still going great. I'm measuring right on target, my blood pressure is great, and I have virtually no swelling. My GBS test came back negative (!!!) and my bloodwork was good. The only problem is I'm achy, crampy, and SORE. Ugh. None of it's a bad sign or anything, it just sucks.
I also have a project update for you. I haven't done a lot on it lately. We all had a stomach flu and then Matt was gone on his annual fishing trip for a week. I'm tired! Here's what it looks like now:

And here's the latest update (it's all Amy's clan!):

26. AmyLou -- Amy is awesome. She's a wonderful friend. She's also throwing me a mother's blessing party in a week. It's going to be so great. So, so great. :-)
27. Schenley
28. Jacob
29. Nicol
30. Shari
Thanks guys! Your block makes me smile.
Also, if there are any of you out there who still want to contribute yarn, now is the time. There's not much more time before the baby comes! If you want your section to be at least one complete circle, you should probably send 7-8 yards or meters rather than 3-5. It's getting pretty wide around.
Thanks again to everyone who has contributed so far. It warms my heart to see all the different yarns working together. Love it!