Friday, March 21, 2008

Here it is!

Here's info about the big project:

I can't wait to get started!

It's a boy!

Yes, another boy! I should have known. :-)

Everything looks great. The placenta is anterior which isn't the best news ever in terms of positioning, but it's away from the scar and the cervix, so that's good. The little guy slept through the whole thing and couldn't be bothered to be woken up. Hey, maybe he'll be a better sleeper than my first little guy ( a mom can hope!). He's measuring about a week ahead, which is not surprising to us at all. He'll probably be a tall guy like his brother.

The other news is I got my PO box yesterday so I'm all ready to tell you about my project. I'll post about it this afternoon, including what you can do to help.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Hey, found a belly picture

I did find a belly picture. It's from two weeks ago, but you get the idea. Ignore the ratty hair, 'kay?

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Bad Preggo!

I'm eating a pizza with bleu cheese, onions, and pears on it. I have a salad with gorgonzola waiting for me in the fridge. Sorry, can't really help it.

Oh, and my prenatal went fine on Sunday. It's too early to hear the baby with the fetoscope so we just did the normal clinical tests (everything's great) and I'm measuring right on.

I have my sonogram Friday morning. I'm adding a poll -- vote on the gender, if you like. :-)

Monday, March 3, 2008

A MUCH Beter Prenatal Visit :-)

Yesterday we had our first "official" visit with the midwife and her apprentice. We'd already met with them twice before for a few hours each time, but this was the first real visit. Everything is great. The baby is happy and my uterus is measuring just right. My urine didn't have anything in it that it shouldn't have, heh.

The baby was a lot more cooperative with the doppler than at the hospital practice and we got a good listen to the heart. The heart rate was in the 160's and sounding good. We probably won't listen again until a bit past 20 weeks when we can use the fetoscope. The midwife prefers the fetoscope and, quite frankly, so do we. It just seems better to not be shooting too many high-energy waves at a developing fetus.

Amazingly, my blood pressure was actually really good (120/78). I think this is the first time in over a decade I didn't have white-coat hypertension. My blood pressure is almost always 135/80 when measured by a medical person, but not this time. I'm taking this as a very good sign!

It was a very midwife-y day yesterday. Meredith, our midwife for our last pregnancy, was here visiting from Israel and we got to spend a little time with her at the park yesterday. It was lovely to see her. It really was an exhaustingly fun day. I even tutored my husband's boss's daughter in the evening.

I still have this awful cold and am hoping it gets better SOON. I'm tired of feeling sick, and even more tired of whining about it.

It looks like Aloe has won as the color for my project. I'm happy about that. It was my secret favorite. Thanks to everyone who voted. As soon as I finish a baby hat for my cousin's baby, I'm going to get going on my project. Stay tuned!