For only an extra $15,000 out of pocket, you can now get a doctor to act like a midwife. All of the "special treatment" practices (save the massage) are part of what you normally expect from a homebirth midwife -- at a fraction of the cost.
The world is CRAZY.
Speaking of great care, we had a prenatal yesterday morning. Yes, that would be a visit on Sunday morning. Everything looks great. All tests on me (urine, bp, etc.) are fantastic. We've turned in our Aquadoula contract and have ordered the kit of supplies for the birth.
Baby boy is doing fantastic. He's still measuring big, he's going to be tall like his brother -- maybe taller. He's happy and active, even putting on a nice kicking show for everyone. We have our next visit in two weeks. The third trimester is in full-effect and we're racing toward the finish line.
I hope to have an updated project picture tomorrow night. :-)